Level: Beginnner

*In-Person | Saturday, Oct. 26 | 11am - 12:30pm

An entry level class for those new or fairly new to playing the whistle. Approaches to learning tunes, including learn by ear as well as notation, basic ornamentation and their applications to entry level tunes will be covered. Whistles in the key of D will be used.

For nearly 30 years, Michael has been developing a unique blend of Scottish and Irish piping styles. His ability to comfortably move between competitive Scottish piping and bellows piping, pipe bands and folk bands, uilleann pipes and whistles has led him to be a highly sought after performer and teacher. Michael performs a wide range of music in a number of diverse settings. His trio Arise & Go tours extensively throughout the US and Canada and the band released their first full length album in 2019! for more information on this amazing teacher and performer, visit michaelroddymusic.com.